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I grew up in a small town along the shores of Lake Michigan

where the cedar woods meet the great sand dunes of an even greater lake. I spent my childhood catching frogs in the marshes, hunting for lightening bugs and dragonflies as the summer sun set, and picking wildflowers along the woods edge. So began my great love affair and deep reverence for nature. My grandfather taught me the different varietals of trees and where to search for blackberries, and how to carve walking sticks out of white pine. My dad took me fishing and my mom showed me how to grow and keep a vegetable garden. I spent countless afternoons in the long, cool grass, pretending my trolls were gnomes or that I was the keeper of the ferns.

I've always loved to create. On canvas, in hosting and teaching, or in curating. My work is a reflection of my life in nature - the way it moves and changes, sometimes subtly, sometimes quickly, one connected to the other. It is this seeming dichotomy that interests me. When we spend time with nature, we feel better. From a warm summer evening on Lake Michigan to a foggy morning stroll through Forsyth Park in autumn. It is my goal to bring nature to you, through painting, styling, and curating.

For more information about curated workshops, floral design,

foraging, botanical styling, or to commission a piece,

contact: or (231) 881-0350